Research Labs

Several academic groups conduct research around Solid. If you are interested in being listed send an email to with a description of the research project and link to the website.


Boston, USA

Solid started at the CSAIL Solid Social Linked Data Lab in 2015, which is now CSAIL DIG. The research on Solid at MIT focuses include verifiable credentials, privacy-preserving data aggregation on the decentralised web and investigating decentralised management of health and fitness data.

Contact Lalana Kagal

Oxford University Computer Science Lab - Oxford Martin School’s program on Ethical Web and Data Architectures.

The work at the Oxford Martin School’s program on Ethical Web and Data Architectures focuses on four themes: data autonomy, data privacy, algorithmic accountability, and data sharing. In 2020, a grant was recieved to architect new ethical data systems such as Solid.

Contact Nigel Shadbolt

The KNowledge on Web Scale (KNoWS) group at Ghent Universityimec

Ghent, Belgium

Imec has been involved in Solid for several years, focusing on data interoperability, querying, scalability, and the developer experience. They are currently building the Solid Community Server.

Contact Ruben Verborgh

University of Oviedo - WESO

Oviedo, Spain

Classes at WESO now have the tradition of a competition for the best Solid app produced during their course.

Contact Jose Emilio Labra Gayo

CERN - CERN-Solid collaboration entry point

Geneva, Switzerland

CERN is heavily involved in open source, and follows Solid work.

Contact Maria Dimou

Open University - Open Blockchain Group

Milton Keynes, UK

The Open University runs an experimental server and works on a COVID-19 immunity passport Solid app.

Contact Manoharan Ramachandran